Oral Healthcare Right Dental Group http://rightdentalgroup.com Mon, 23 Sep 2024 01:58:48 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Brush Your Teeth the Right Way http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/16-brush-your-teeth-the-right-way http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/16-brush-your-teeth-the-right-way

Remember those demonstrations in health class where the instructor would stroke away oh-so-gently at an oversized pair of false teeth with a toothbrush made for the Jolly Green Giant? The right way to brush, she insisted, was up and down. Specifically, on the lower-jaw teeth we were to brush up and vice versa for the top teeth. We were assured that this north-south technique would dislodge food particles caught between teeth as well as keep them from being jammed up (or down) into the gum line. If you are like most people, though, you never quite trusted that you could do a thorough job without throwing in some vigorous side-to-side motion.

Oral Healthcare Wed, 30 May 2024 17:20:12 +0000
Acid Erosion: An Underappreciated Problem http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/13-acid-erosion-an-underappreciated-problem http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/13-acid-erosion-an-underappreciated-problem

There may be silent damage going on in your mouth that you aren’t even aware of. If you eat and drink foods and beverages with a high acid content, the acid gradually erodes away tooth enamel - and the results aren’t pretty. Acid erosion can lead to tooth discoloration and sensitivity in the early stages, but if the problem goes unchecked, teeth can develop small cracks and areas where the enamel has worn away. What can you do to prevent this problem?

Oral Healthcare Wed, 30 May 2024 17:18:36 +0000
Dental Fluorosis http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/11-dental-fluorosis http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/11-dental-fluorosis

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 32% of American children suffer from some form of dental fluorosis. Dental defects, like fluorosis, are so prevalent because there is very little information available to parents on the subject.

Oral Healthcare Wed, 30 May 2024 17:17:26 +0000
Twenty Common Habits That Are Ruining Your Teeth http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/10-twenty-common-habits-that-are-ruining-your-teeth http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/10-twenty-common-habits-that-are-ruining-your-teeth

If you brush your teeth a couple of times a day and have never had any major issues involving dental health, it is easy to think that your teeth will always stay in good condition. However, there are many everyday activities that could be slowly but steadily damaging your teeth. Think about the following common habits that can cause serious, long-term problems, and try to combat any that seem familiar.

Oral Healthcare Wed, 30 May 2024 17:16:42 +0000
Finding Quality Dental Care That You Can Afford http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/8-finding-quality-dental-care-that-you-can-afford http://rightdentalgroup.com/oral-healthcare/item/8-finding-quality-dental-care-that-you-can-afford

Taking care of your family's health is one of your most important responsibilities. This includes providing your family with the best dental care you can find. This shouldn't be too hard since there are thousands of dentists across the country. However, there are a few factors that play a part in picking the right family dentist. It's important to choose the right dentist you and your family need. Also pick a dentist that takes your dental insurance plan.

Oral Healthcare Wed, 30 May 2024 17:12:16 +0000